
Czech Republic Table of Contents
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     Heritage of Ages Past. New York: Columbia University
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     Edinburgh: University Press, 1971.

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Brandes, Detlef. Die Tschechen unter deutschem
     Protektorat, I.
Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1969.

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     University of Toronto Press, 1976.

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     Staatsbürgerliche Informationen, Bonn, 89,
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Josko, Anna. "The Slovak Resistance Movement." Pages 362-83 in
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     Princeton University Press, 1973.

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     Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír Luza (eds.), A History of
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     Princeton University Press, 1973.

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     University Press, 1978.

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     1920-1938." Pages 99-166 in Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír
     Luza (eds.), A History of the Czechoslovak Republic,
     1918-1948. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973.

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     S. Mamatey and Radomír Luza (eds.), A History of the
     Czechoslovak Republic, 1918-1948. Princeton: Princeton
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Michal, Jan M. "Postwar Economic Development." Pages 428-60 in
     Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír Luza (eds.), A History of
     the Czechoslovak Republic, 1918-1948. Princeton:
     Princeton University Press, 1973.

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Paul, David W. Czechoslovakia: Profile of a Socialist
     Republic at the Crossroads of Europe. Boulder: Westview
     Press, 1981.

Pech, Stanley Z. The Czech Revolution of 1848. Chapel
     Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1969.

Prochazka, Theodor. "The Second Republic, 1938-39." Pages 255-70
     in Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír Luza (eds.), A History
     of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1918-1948. Princeton:
     Princeton University Press, 1973.

Rhode, Gotthold. "The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, 
     1939-1945." Pages 296-321 in Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír
     Luza (eds.), A History of the Czechoslovak Republic,
     1918-1948. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973.

Seton-Watson, R.W. A History of the Czechs and Slovaks.
     London: Hutchinson, 1943.

Shepherd, William R. Shepherd's Historical Atlas. New
     York: C.S. Hammond, 1980.

Situation Report: Czechoslovakia, 3 (Radio Free Europe
     Research.) Washington, February 18, 1982,1-12.

Skilling, H. Gordon. Czechoslovakia's Interrupted
     Revolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press,

------. "Independent Currents in Czechoslovakia," Problems of
     Communism, January-February, 1985, 32-49.

Sobell, Vladimir. "Czechoslovakia," RAD Background
     Report, 150 (Radio Free Europe Research.) Washington,
     December 27, 1985, 13-16.
Steiner, Eugen. The Slovak Dilemma. Cambridge: Cambridge
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     Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.

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Source: U.S. Library of Congress