Dominican Republic Table of Contents
Atkins, G. Pope, and Larman C. Wilson. The United States and the Trujillo Regime. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1972. Black, Jan Knippers. The Dominican Republic: Politics and Development in an Unsovereign State. Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1986. Calder, Bruce J. The Impact of Intervention: The Dominican Republic During the U.S. Occupation of 1916-1924. (The Texas Pan American Series.) Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984. Campillo Pérez, Julio G. Historia Electoral Dominicana, 1848- 1986: El Grillo y El Ruiseñor. Santo Domingo: Editora Corripio, 1986. Crassweller, Robert D. Trujillo: The Life and Times of a Caribbean Dictator. New York: Macmillan, 1966. Diederich, Bernard. Trujillo: The Death of the Goat. Boston: Little, Brown, 1978. Fagg, John Edwin. Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. (Modern Nations in Historical Perspective Series.) Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1965. Knight, Melvin M. The Americans in Santo Domingo. (Studies in American Imperialism.) New York: Vanguard Press, 1928. Logan, Rayford W. Haiti and the Dominican Republic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Mejía Ricart, Gustavo Adolfo. Biografía del Caudillo Pedro Santana. (Colección "Temas Históricos," 1.) Santo Domingo: Fundación Mejía Ricart--Guzmán Boom, 1980. Moya Pons, Frank. La Dominación Haitiana, 1822-1844. (Colección `Estudios.') Santiago, República Dominicana: Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, 1972. ------. Historia Dominicana. (2 vols.) (Colecciones Dominicanas.) Santo Domingo: Caribe Grolier, 1982. Pérez, Carlos Federico. El Pensamiento y la Acción en la Vida de Juan Pablo Duarte. Santo Domingo: Organización de Estados Americanos, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, 1979. Rodman, Selden. Quisqueya: A History of the Dominican Republic. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1964. Rotberg, Robert I., with Christopher K. Clague. Haiti: The Politics of Squalor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971. Slater, Jerome. Intervention and Negotiation: The United States and the Dominican Revolution. New York: Harper and Row, 1970. Welles, Sumner. Naboth's Vineyard: The Dominican Republic, 1844-1924. (World Affairs: National and International Viewpoints.) New York: Payson and Clarke, 1928. Reprint. New York: Arno Press, 1972. Wiarda, Howard. J. The Dominican Republic: Nation in Transition. New York: Praeger, 1969. Wiarda, Howard J., and Michael J. Kryzanek. The Dominican Republic: A Caribbean Crucible. (Nations of Contemporary Latin America Series.) Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1982. ------. The Politics of External Influence in the Dominican Republic. (Politics in Latin America: A Hoover Institution Series.) New York: Praeger/Hoover Institution Press, 1988. ![]()
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