Georgia Table of Contents
Benet, Sula. Abkhazians: The Long-Living People of the Caucasus. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974. Bremmer, Ian, and Ray Taras (eds.). Nations and Politics in the Soviet Successor States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Dale, Catherine. "Turmoil in Abkhazia: Russian Responses," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 34, August 27, 1993, 48-57. Davis, Christopher M. "Health Care Crisis: The Former Soviet Union," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 40, October 8, 1993, 35-43. Dragadze, Tamara. "Conflict in the Transcaucasus and the Value of Inventory Control," Jane's Intelligence Review [London], 6, No. 2, February 1994, 71-3. The Europa World Year Book, 1993, 1. London: Europa, 1993. The Europa World Year Book, 1994, 1. London: Europa, 1994. Fuller, Elizabeth. "Eduard Shevardnadze's Via Dolorosa," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 43, October 29, 1993, 17-23. ------. "Georgia, Abkhazia, and Checheno-Ingushetia," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 1, No. 5, February 5, 1992, 3- 7. ------. "The Georgian Parliamentary Elections," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 1, No. 47, November 27, 1992, 1-4. ------. "Georgia since Independence: Plus Ca Change . . .," Current History, 92, October 1993, 342-46. ------. "Paramilitary Forces Dominate Fighting in Transcaucasus," RFE/RL Research Report [Munich], 2, No. 25, June 18, 1993, 74-82. Holisky, Dee Ann. "The Rules of the Supra or How to Drink in Georgian," Journal for the Study of Caucasia, 1, No. 1, 1-20. International Monetary Fund. Economic Review: Georgia. Washington: 1992. International Petroleum Encyclopedia, 1992. (Ed., Jim West.) Tulsa: PennWell, 1992. Jane's World Railways, 1993-94. (Ed., James Abbott.) Alexandria, Virginia: Jane's Information Group, 1993. Jones, Stephen. "The Caucasian Mountain Railway Project: A Victory for Glasnost'?" Central Asian Survey, 8, No. 2, 1989, 47-59. ------. "A Failed Democratic Transition." Pages 288-310 in Ian Bremmer and Ray Taras (eds.), Nations and Politics in the Soviet Successor States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. ------. "Religion and Nationalism in Soviet Georgia and Armenia." Pages 171-95 in Pedro Ramet (ed.), Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 1989. Katz, Zev (ed.). Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities. New York: Free Press, 1975. Lang, David Marshall. The Georgians. London: Thames and Hudson, 1966. ------. A Modern History of Soviet Georgia. New York: Grove Press, 1962. Lloyd's Ports of the World, 1988. (Ed., Paul J. Cuny.) Colchester, United Kingdom: Lloyd's of London, 1988. Mars, Gerald, and Yochanan Altman. "The Cultural Bases of Soviet Georgia's Second Economy," Soviet Studies, 35, No. 4, October 1983, 546-60. The Military Balance, 1994-1995. London: Brassey's for International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1994. Nichol, James. "Georgia in Transition: Context and Implications for U.S. Interests," Congressional Research Service Report. (No. 93794.) Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, August 24, 1993. Noble, John S., and John King. USSR: A Travel Survival Kit. Berkeley, California: Lonely Planet, 1993. Parsons, Robert. "Georgians." Pages 180-96 in Graham Smith (ed.), The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union. New York: Longman, 1990. Ramet, Pedro (ed.). Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics. Durham: Duke University Press, 1989. Rosen, Roger. The Georgian Republic. Lincolnwood, Illinois: Passport Books, 1992. Rustaveli, Shota. The Knight in the Panther's Skin. (Trans., Venera Urushadze.) Tbilisi: Sabchota Sakartvelo, 1986. Salia, Kalistrat. History of the Georgian Nation. (Trans., Katharine Vivian.) (2d ed.) Paris: Académie Française, 1983. Sebag-Montefiore, Simon. "Eduard Shevardnadze," New York Times Magazine, December 26, 1993, 16-19. Shevardnadze, Eduard. The Future Belongs to Freedom. New York: Free Press, 1991. Slider, Darrell. "Crisis and Response in Soviet Nationality Policy: The Case of Abkhazia," Central Asian Survey, 4, No. 4, 1985, 51-68. ------. "Party-Sponsored Public Opinion Research in the Soviet Union," Journal of Politics, 47, No. 1, February 1985, 209-27. ------. "The Politics of Georgia's Independence," Problems of Communism, 40, No. 6, November-December 1991, 63-79. Smith, Graham (ed.). The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union. New York: Longman, 1990. The Statesman's Year-Book, 1993-1994. (Ed., Brian Hunter.) New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. Suny, Ronald G. The Making of the Georgian Nation. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988. Sweeney, Padraic (ed.). The Transportation Handbook for Russia and the Former Soviet Union. Arlington, Virginia: ASET/ICI, 1993. Timofeyev, A. Motorist's Guide to the Soviet Union. Moscow: Progress, 1980. Tremlett, P.I. (ed.). Thomas Cook Overseas Timetable. Thorpe Wood, United Kingdom: Thomas Cook, 1994. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Handbook of International Economic Statistics, 1993. Washington: GPO, 1993. ------. Central Intelligence Agency. USSR Energy Atlas. Washington: 1985. ------. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook, 1994. Washington: 1994. ------. Congress. 103d, 1st Session. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Human Rights and Democratization in the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union. Washington: GPO, 1993. ------. Department of Commerce. Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States. Georgia. Washington: 1993. World Bank. Food and Agricultural Policy Reforms in the Former USSR. (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No. 1.) Washington: 1992. ------. Georgia: A Blueprint for Reforms. (A World Bank Country Study.) Washington: 1993. ------. Statistical Handbook: States of the Former USSR. (Studies of Economies in Transformation, Paper No. 3.) Washington: 1992. ![]()
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