Guyana Table of Contents
Adamson, Alan H. Sugar Without Slaves: The Political Economy of British Guiana, 1838-1904. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972. Akhtar, Shameen. British Guiana: A Study of Marxism and Racialism in the Caribbean. Dallas: Southern Methodist University, 1962. Augies, F.R., S.C. Gordon, D.G. Hall, and M. Reckford. The Making of the West Indies. London: Longmans, 1960. Avebury, and the British Parliamentary Human Rights Group. "Guyana's 1980 Elections: The Politics of Fraud," Caribbean Review, 10, Spring 1981, 8-11, 14. Burnham, Forbes. A Great Future Together. Georgetown: Government Printery, 1968. Burrowes, Reynold A. The Wild Coast: An Account of Politics in Guyana. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1984. Clementi, Sir Cecil. A Constitutional History of British Guiana. London: Macmillan, 1937. de Caires, David. "Guyana after Burnham: A New Era? Or Is President Hoyte Trapped in the Skin of the PNC?" Caribbean Affairs, 1, January-March 1988, 183-93. Despres, Leo A. Cultural Pluralism and Nationalist Politics in Guyana. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1967. Deveze, Michel. Antilles, Guyanes, La Mer des Caraïbes de 1492 à 1789. Paris: Société d'edition d'ensegnement superieur, 1977. "Dr. Jagan's Address," Sunday Mirror [Georgetown], August 7, 1975, 9. Glascow, R.A. Guyana: Race and Politics among Africans and East Indians. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970. Hope, Kempe Ronald. "Electoral Politics and Political Development in Post-Independence Guyana," Electoral Studies, 4, April 1985, 57-68. Inter-American Development Bank. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 1982 Report. Washington: 1982. Jeffrey, Henry B., and Colin Baber. Guyana: Politics, Economics, and Society--Beyond the Burnham Era. Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1986. Latin America and Caribbean Contemporary Record, 7: 1987- 88. (Ed., James M. Malloy and Edwards A. Gamarra.) New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990. MacPherson, John. Caribbean Lands: A Geography of the West Indies. London: Longmans, Green, 1963. Mandle, Jay R. The Plantation Economy: Population and Economic Change in Guyana, 1838-1960. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1973. Manley, Robert H. Guyana Emergent: The Post-Independence Struggle for Nondependent Development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1982. Moore, Brian L. "The Retention of Caste Notions among the Indian Immigrants in British Guiana During the Nineteenth Century," Comparative Studies in Society and History [Cambridge, United Kingdom], 19, No. 1, January 1977, 96-107. Nath, Dwarke. A History of Indians in British Guiana. London: Nelson, 1950. Neuman, Stephanie G. (ed.). Small States and Segmented Societies. New York: Praeger, 1976. Premdas, Ralph R. Party Politics and Racial Division in Guyana. (Studies in Race and Nations Series, No. 4.) Denver: University of Colorado Press, 1973. Ragatz, L.J. The Fall of the Planter Class in the British Caribbean, 1763-1833. London: Oxford University Press, 1928. Rodney, Walter. A History of the Guyanese Working People, 1881- 1905. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Singh, Chaitram. Guyana: Politics in a Plantation Society. New York: Praeger, 1988. Spinner, Thomas J., Jr. A Political and Social History of Guyana, 1945-1983. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984. Swan, Michael. British Guiana: The Land of Six Peoples. London: HMSO, 1957. ![]()
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