
Iraq Table of Contents
Chapter 1

Abu Jaber, Kemal. The Arab Baath Socialist Party.
     Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1966.

Batatu, Hanna. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary
     Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and
     Commercial Classes and of Its Communists, Bathists, and Free
     Officers. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978.

Dann, Uriel. Iraq Under Qassem 1958-63. New York:
     Praeger, 1969.

Davidson, Roderic H. Turkey. Englewood Cliffs, New
     Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1968.

Devlin, John. The Baath Party: A History from Its Origins to
     1966. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1976.

Gallman, Waldemar. Iraq Under General Nuri. Baltimore:
     Johns Hopkins University Press, 1964.

Ghareeb, Edmund. The Kurdish Question in Iraq. Syracuse:
     Syracuse University Press, 1981.

Heller, Mark. "Politics and the Military in Iraq and Jordan 1920-
     1958: The British Influence," Armed Forces and
     Society, 4, No. 1, Fall 1977, 75-100.

Helms, Christine Moss. Iraq, Eastern Flank of the Arab
     World. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1984.

Hitti, Philip K. Makers of Arab History. New York:
     Harper and Row, 1968.

------. The Near East in Hitory. Princeton, New Jersey:
     Van Nostrand, 1961.

Hodgson, Marshall G.S. "How Did the Early Shia Become Sectarian?"
     Journal of the American Oriental Society, 75, No.
     1, January-March 1955, 1-13.

Ireland, Philip. Iraq: A Study in Political Development.
     New York: Macmillan, 1938.

Issawi, Charles (ed.). The Economic History of the Middle
     East, 1800-1914. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,

Jawad, Saad. Iraq and the Kurdish Question, 1958-1970. 
     London: Ithaca Press, 1981.

Kedourie, Elie. "Continuity and Change in Modern Iraqi History,"
     Asian Affairs [London], June 1975, 140-146.

Kelidar, Abbas. The Integration of Modern Iraq. New
     York: St. Martin's Press, 1979.

------. "Iraq: The Search for Stability," Conflict
     Studies [London], 59, July 1975, 1-22.

Kerr, Malcolm. The Arab Cold War. London: Oxford
     University Press, 1971.

Khadduri, Majid. Republican Iraq. London: Oxford
     University Press, 1969.

------. Socialist Iraq: A Study in Iraqi Politics Since
     1968. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1978.

Klieman, Aaron S. Foundations of British Policy in the World:
     The Cairo Conference of 1921. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
     University Press, 1970.

Longrigg, Stephen. Iraq, 1900 to 1950. London: Oxford
     University Press, 1953.

Longrigg, Stephen Hemsley, and Frank Stoakes. Iraq
     (Nations of the Modern World series). London: Ernest Benn,

Marr, Phebe. "Iraq's Leadership Dilemma: A Study in Leadership
     Trends, 1948-1968," Middle East Journal, 24, No. 3,
     Winter-Autumn 1970, 283-301.

------. The Modern History of Iraq. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1985.

------. "The Political Elite in Iraq." Pages 109-49 in George
     Lenczowski (ed.), Political Elites in the Middle
     East. Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1975.

Momen, Moojan. An Introduction to Shii Islam. New Haven:
     Yale University Press, 1985.

Niblock, Tim. Iraq: The Contemporary State. New York:
     St. Martin's Press, 1982.

O'Ballance, Edgar. The Kurdish Revolt, 1961-1970.
     Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1973.

Pelletiere, Stephen C. The Kurds: An Unstable Element in the
     Gulf. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

Penrose, Edith, and E.F. Penrose. Iraq: International
     Relations and National Development. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1978.

Roberts, J.M. The Pelican History of the World. New
     York: Penguin Books, 1980.

Roux, George. Ancient Iraq. Cleveland: World Publishing,

Seale, Patrick. The Struggle for Syria. New York: Oxford
     University Press, 1965.

Shwadran, Benjamin. The Power Struggle in Iraq. New
     York: Council for Middle Eastern Affairs Press, 1960.

Sluglett, Peter. Britain in Iraq, 1914-1932. London:
     Ithaca Press, 1976.

Sourdel, D. "The Abbasid Caliphate." Pages 104-39 in P.M. Holt,
     Ann K.S. Lambton, and Bernard Lewis (eds.), The
     Cambridge History of Islam, I. Cambridge: Cambridge
     University Press, 1970.

Stafford, R.S. The Tragedy of the Assyrians. London:
     Allen and Unwin, 1935.

Tarbush, Mohammad A. The Role of the Military in Politics: A
     Case Study of Iraq to 1941. London: Kegan Paul
     International, 1982.

Wright, Claudia. "Iraq: New Power in the Middle East,"
     Foreign Affairs, 58, Winter 1979-1980, 257-77.

Chapter 2

Adams, Doris Goodrich. Iraq's People and Resources
     (University of California Publications in Economics, XVIII).
     Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958.

Adams, Robert McCormick. Irrigation's Impact on Society.
     Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1974.

Alnasrawi, Abbas. Financing Economic Development in Iraq: The
     Role of Oil in a Middle Eastern Economy. New York:
     Praeger, 1967.

Arfa, Hassan. The Kurds: An Historical and Political
     Study. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.

Baali, Fuad. Relation of the People to the Land in Southern
     Iraq (University of Florida Monographs, Social
     Sciences, No. 31). Gainesville: University of Florida Press,

------. "Relationships of Man to the Land in Iraq," Rural
     Sociology, 31, June 1966, 171-82.

------. "Social Factors in Iraqi Rural-Urban Migrations,"
     American Journal of Economic and Sociological
     Research, 25, October 1966, 359-64.

Baram, Amitzia. "The June 1980 Election to the National Assembly
     in Iraq," Orient, 27, No. 3, 1981.

Barth, Fredrik. Principles of Social Organization in Southern
     Kurdistan (University Ethnographic Museum Bulletin, No.
     7). Oslo: Brodrene Jordensen, 1953.

Batatu, Hanna. "Iraq's Underground Shia Movements:
     Characteristics, Causes, and Prospects," Middle East
     Journal, 35, No. 4, Autumn 1981, 578-94.

------. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary
     Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and
     Commercial Classes, and of Its Communists, Bathists, and
     Free Officers. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
     University Press, 1978.

Cook, M.A. (ed.) Studies in the Economic History of the
     Middle East. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970.

Cordesman, Anthony H. The Iran-Iraq War: 1984-1986.
     Rosslyn, Virginia: Eaton Analytical Assessments Center,

Coulson, Noel, and Doreen Hinchcliffe. "Women and Law Reform in
     Contemporary Islam." Pages 37-51 in Lois Beck and Nikki
     Keddie (eds.), Women in the Muslim World.
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1978.

Dann, Uriel. Iraq Under Qassem, 1958-63. New York:
     Praeger, 1969.

Economist Intelligence Unit. Iraq: Country Report. (No.
     1.) London: 1988.

Fernea, Elizabeth W. Guests of the Sheikh. New York:
     Doubleday, 1965.

Fernea, Robert A. Shaykh and Effendi: Changing Patterns of
     Authority among the Shabana of Southern Iraq.
     Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970.

Gabbay, Rony. Communism and Agrarian Reform in Iraq.
     London: Croom Helm, 1978.

Ghareeb, Edmund. The Kurdish Question in Iraq. Syracuse:
     Syracuse University Press, 1981.

Grummond, Stephen. The Iran-Iraq War: Islam Embattled.
     New York: Praeger, 1982.

Helms, Christine Moss. Iraq, Eastern Flank of the Arab
     World. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1984.

"Interview With Saddam Husayn," Al Majallah [London],
     December 8, 1982.

Iraq. Ministry of Planning. Central Statistical Organization.
     Economic and Social Progress Under the Revolution.
     Baghdad: July 1978.

------. Ministry of Planning. Central Statistical Organization.
     Annual Abstract of Statistics, 1985. Baghdad: n.d.

Issawi, Charles. The Economic History of the Middle East,
     1800-1914. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966.

Kelidar, Abbas. The Integration of Modern Iraq. New
     York: St. Martin's Press, 1979.

Khadduri, Majid. Independent Iraq, 1932-1958. London:
     Oxford University Press, 1970.

------. Republican Iraq. London: Oxford University
     Press, 1969.

Al-Khafaji, Isam. "State Incubation of Iraqi Capitalism." Pages
     4-12 in MERIP Middle East Report, No. 142.
     September-October 1986. Washington: Middle East Research and
     Information Project.

Longrigg, Stephen Hemsley. Four Centuries of Modern
     Iraq. London: Oxford University Press, 1925.

------. Iraq, 1900 to 1950. London: Oxford University
     Press, 1953.

Longrigg, Stephen Hemsley, and Frank Stoakes. Iraq
     (Nations of the Modern World series). London: Ernest Benn,

Marr, Phebe. The Modern History of Iraq. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press, 1985.

Pelletiere, Stephen C. The Kurds: An Unstable Element in the
     Gulf. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

Simon, Reeva. Iraq Between the Two World Wars. New York:
     Columbia University Press, 1986.

Sluglett, Peter. Britain in Iraq, 1914-1932. London:
     Ithaca Press, 1976.

Sluglett, Peter and Marion Farouk-Sluglett. "Some Reflections on
     the Sunni/Shia Question in Iraq," British Society for
     Middle East Studies [London], 5, 1978, 79-87.

Thesiger, Wilfred. The Marsh Arabs. New York: Dutton,

Viorst, Milton. "Iraq at War." Foreign Affairs, 65, No.
     2, Winter 1986-87, 349-65.

Warriner, Doreen. Land Reform and Development in the Middle
     East: A Study of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. London: Oxford
     University Press for the Royal Institute of International
     Affairs, 1962.

Young, Gavin. Return to the Marshes: Life With the Marsh
     Arabs of Iraq. London: Collins, 1977.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in the preparation of this chapter: Joint Publications Research
Service, Daily Report: Near East and South Asia;
Middle East Economic Digest [London]; New York
Times; Quarterly Economic Review: Iraq [London];
and Washington Post.)

Chapter 3

Adams, Martin E. "Lessons from Agrarian Reform in Iraq," Land
     Reform [Rome], No. 1, 1972, 56-64.

Alnasrawi, Abbas. Financing Economic Development in Iraq: The
     Role of Oil in a Middle Eastern Economy. New York:
     Praeger, 1967.

Badre, Albert Y. "Economic Development of Iraq." Pages 281-328 in
     Charles A. Cooper and Sidney S. Alexander (eds.),
     Economic Development and Population Growth in the Middle
     East. New York: American Elsevier Publishing, 1972.

Brown, Michael E. "The Nationalization of the Iraqi Petroleum
     Company," International Journal of Middle East
     Studies, 10, No. 1, February 1979, 107-24.

Gabbay, Rony. Communism and Agrarian Reform in Iraq.
     London: Croom Helm, 1978.

International Monetary Fund. Exchange Arrangements and
     Exchange Restrictions: Annual Report, 1987. Washington,

Iraq. Ministry of Planning. Central Statistial Organization.
     Annual Abstract of Statistics, 1985. Baghdad: n.d.

Jalal, Ferhang. The Role of Government in the
     Industrialization of Iraq, 1950-65. London: Frank Cass,

Khadduri, Majid. Socialist Iraq: A Study in Iraqi Politics
     since 1968. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1978.

Langley, Kathleen M. The Industrialization of Iraq
     (Harvard Middle Eastern Monograph Series, V). Cambridge:
     Harvard University Press, 1967.

Marr, Phebe. The Modern History of Iraq. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press, 1985.

The Middle East and North Africa--1989. London: Europa
     Publications, 1988.

Penrose, Edith and E.F. Penrose. Iraq: International
     Relations and National Development. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1978.

Sayigh, Yusuf Abd Allah. The Determinants of Arab Economic
     Development. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978.

------. The Economics of the Arab World: Development since
     1945. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978.

United States. Department of Commerce. International Trade
     Administration. Foreign Economic Trends and Their
     Implications for the United States: Iraq. Washington:
     June 1986.

Warriner, Doreen. Land Reform and Development in the Middle
     East: A Study of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. London: Oxford
     University Press for the Royal Institute of International
     Affairs, 1962.

    (Various issues of the following publications were also used
in preparing this chapter. An Nahar Arab Report and Memo
[Limassol, Cyprus]; Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of
Intelligence, Economic and Energy Indicators and
International Energy Statistical Review; Economist
Intelligence Unit [London], Country Report: Iraq;
General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture
for the Arab World [Beirut], Arab Economic Report;
International Monetary Fund, International Financial
Statistics; Joint Publications Research Service, Daily
Report: Near East and South Asia; Middle East
[London]; Middle East Economic Digest [London];
Middle East International [London]; New York
Times; Washington Post; and Wharton Econometric
Forecasting Associates, Middle East Economic Outlook.)

Chapter 4

Abdulghani, Jasim M. Iraq and Iran: The Years of Crisis.
     Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.

Batatu, Hanna. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary
     Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and
     Commercial Classes and of Its Communists, Bathists, and Free
     Officers. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University
     Press, 1978.

------. "Shi'i Organizations in Iraq: Al-Da'wah al-Islamiyah and
     Al-Mujahidin." Pages 179-200 in Juan R.I. Cole and Nikki R.
     Keddie (eds.), Shi'ism and Social Protest. New
     Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.

"Chronology, July 16, 1982--October 15, 1982," Middle East
     Journal, 37, No. 1, Winter 1983, 65-88.

Ghareeb, Edmund. The Kurdish Question in Iraq. Syracuse:
     Syracuse University Press, 1981.

Halliday, Fred. "Gorbachev and the `Arab Syndrome': Soviet Policy
     in the Middle East," World Policy Journal [London],
     1987, 415-41.

------. "The USSR and the Gulf War: Moscow's Growing Concern,"
     Middle East Report, 148, September-October 1987,

Helms, Christine Moss. Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab
     World. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1984.

------. "The Iraqi Dilemma: Political Objectives Versus Military
     Strategy," American-Arab Affairs, No. 5, September
     1983, 76-85.

Hiro, Dilip. "Chronicle of the Gulf War." Pages 3-14 in MERIP
     Reports, No. 125-126. July-September 1984. Washington:
     Middle Easst Research and Information Project.

"Iraq." Pages 432-42 in The Middle East and North Africa,
     1987. London: Europa Publications, 1986.

Ismael, Tareq Y. "Ideology in Recent Iraqi Foreign Policy." Pages
     109-25 in Shirin Tahir-Kheli and Shaheen Ayubi (eds.),
     The Iran-Iraq War: New Weapons, Old Conflicts. New
     York: Praeger, 1983.

Kempe, Frederick. "Baghdad's Goal: Iraq's Aim in Gulf War Is No
     Longer to Win But to Avoid Losing," Wall Street
     Journal, August 28, 1987, 1, 14.

Khadduri, Majid. Socialist Iraq: A Study in Iraqi Politics 
     Since 1968. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1978.

Marr, Phebe. The Modern History of Iraq. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press 1985.

Niblock, Tim. Iraq: The Contemporary State. New York:
     St. Martin's Press, 1982.

Nonneman, Gerd. Iraq, the Gulf States, and the War: A
     Changing Relationship, 1980-1986 and Beyond. London:
     Ithaca Press, 1986.

Paxton, John. The Statesman's Yearbook, 1986-87. New
     York: St. Martin's Press, 1986.

Snyder, Jed C. "The Road to Osiraq: Baghdad's Quest for the
     Bomb," Middle East Journal, 37, No. 4, Autumn 1983,

"Syrians, Iraqis Bury Hatchet, but not in Iran," Iran
     Times, 17, No. 35, November 13, 1984, 15-16.

United States. Department of State. Country Reports on Human
     Rights Practices for 1985. (Report Submitted to 99th
     United States Congress, 1st Session. Committee on Foreign
     Affairs, House of Representatives, and Committee on Foreign
     Relations, Senate.) Washington: GPO, 1986.

Viorst, Milton. "Iraq at War," Foreign Affairs, 65, No.
     2, Winter 1986-87, 349-65.

Zaher, U. "The Opposition." Pages 138-76 in Committee Against
     Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq (CARDRI), (ed.)
     Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction? London: Zed
     Books, 1986.

Chapter 5

Abbas, A. "The Iraqi Armed Forces, Past and Present." Pages 203-
     26 in Committee Against Repression and for Democratic Rights
     in Iraq (CARDRI), (ed.), Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or
     Reaction? London: Zed Books, 1986.

Abdulghani, Jasim M. Iraq and Iran: The Years of Crisis.
     Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984.

Axelgard, Frederick W. (ed.) Iraq In Transition: A Political,
     Economic, and Strategic Perspective. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1986.

El-Azhary, M.S. "The Attitudes of the Superpowers Towards the
     Gulf War," International Affairs [London], 59, No.
     4, 1983, 609-20.

------. The Iran-Iraq War: An Historical, Economic, and
     Political Analysis. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984.

Batatu, Hanna. "Iraq's Underground Shia Movements:
     Characteristics, Causes, and Prospects," Middle East
     Journal, 35, No. 4, Autumn 1981, 578-94.

------. The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary
     Movements of Iraq: A Study of Iraq's Old Landed and
     Commercial Classes and of Its Communists, Bathists, and Free
     Officers. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978.

------. "Shi'i Organizations in Iraq: Al-Da'wah al-Islamiyah and
     Al-Mujahidin." Pages 179-200 in Juan R.I. Cole, and Nikki R.
     Keddie (eds.), Shi'ism and Social Protest. New
     Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.

Bigler, C.S. "Tensions Between International Law and Strategic
     Security-- Implications of Israel's Preemptive Raid on
     Iraq's Nuclear Reactor," Virginia Journal of
     International Law, 24, No. 2, 1984, 459-511.

Bill, James A. "Islam, Politics, and Shi'ism in the Gulf,"
     Middle East Insight, 3, No. 3, January-February
     1984, 3-12.

Cordesman, Anthony H. "The Attack on the USS Stark: The
     Tragic Cost of Human Error," Armed Forces [London],
     6, No. 10, October 1987, 447-50.

------. "The Iran-Iraq War: Attrition Now, Chaos Later,"
     Armed Forces Journal, 120, No. 10, May 1983, 36-42,

------. "The Iran-Iraq War in 1984: An Escalating Threat to the
     Gulf and the West," Armed Forces Journal, 121, No.
     8, March 1984, 22-30, 75.

------. "Lessons of the Iran-Iraq War: The First Round,"
     Armed Forces Journal, 119, No. 8, April 1982, 32-

------. "Lessons of the Iran-Iraq War: Part Two--Tactics,
     Technology, and Training," Armed Forces Journal,
     119, No. 10, June 1982, 68-85.

Dawisha, Adeed. "Iraq and the Arab World--The Gulf War and
     After," World Today [London], 37, No. 5, May 1981,

Dawisha, Karen. "Moscow and the Gulf War," World Today
     [London], 37, No. 1, January 1981, 8-14.

Drysdale, Alasdair and Gerald H. Blake. The Middle East and 
     North Africa: A Political Geography. London: Oxford
     University Press, 1985.

Entessar, Nader. "The Kurds in Post-Revolutionary Iran and Iraq,"
     Third World Quarterly [London], 6, No. 4, October
     1984, 911-33.

Evans, David and Richard Campany. "Iran-Iraq: Bloody Tomorrows,"
     United States Naval Institute Proceedings, 111,
     No.1, January 1985, 33-43.

Feldman, Shai. "The Bombing of Osiraq--Revisited,"
     International Security, 7, No. 1, Fall 1982, 114-

Ghareeb, Edmund. "Iraq and Gulf Security." Pages 39-64 in Z.
     Michael Szaz (ed.), The Impact of the Iranian Events
     Upon Persian Gulf and United States Security.
     Washington: American Foreign Policy Institute, 1979.

------. "Iraq: Emergent Gulf Power." Pages 197-230 in Hossein
     Amirsadeghi (ed.), The Security of the Persian
     Gulf. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981.

------. The Kurdish Question in Iraq. Syracuse: Syracuse
     University Press, 1981.

Gotlieb, Yosef. "Sectarianism and the Iraqi State." Pages 153-61
     in Michael Curtis (ed.), Religion and Politics in the
     Middle East. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.

Gruemm, H. "Safeguards and Tamuz: Setting the Record Straight,"
     International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin
     [Vienna], 23, No. 4, December 1981, 10-14.

"Gulf War Moves Towards the Final Showdown," Middle East
     Economic Digest [London], 31, No. 51, December 19,
     1987, 32-33.

Helms, Christine Moss. Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab
     World. Washington: Brookings Institution, 1984.

Hemphill, Paul P.J. "The Formation of the Iraqi Army, 1921-33."
     Pages 88-110 in Abbas Kelidar (ed.), The Integration of
     Modern Iraq. London: Croom Helm, 1979.

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     Balance, 1977-78. London: 1977.

------. The Military Balance, 1979-80. London: 1979.

------. The Military Balance, 1981-82. London: 1981.

------. The Military Balance, 1983-84. London: 1983.

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     Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982.

Jansen, G.H. "Iraq: Bleak Outlook," Middle East
     International [London], February 4, 1983, 6.

Khadduri, Majid. "The Role of the Military in Iraqi Society."
     Pages 41-51 in Sydney Nettleton Fisher (ed.), The
     Military in the Middle East. Columbus: Ohio State
     University Press, 1963.

------. Socialist Iraq: A Study in Iraqi Politics Since
     1968. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1978.

Laffin, John. "The Gulf War." Pages 72-87 in John Laffin (ed.),
     War Annual, 1. London: Brassey's Defense
     Publishers, 1986.

Marr, Phebe. The Modern History of Iraq. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press, 1985.

Muhsin, Jabr. "The Gulf War." Pages 227-244 in Committee Against
     Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq (CARDRI),
     (ed.), Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction?
     London: Zed Books, 1986.

Nonneman, Gerd. Iraq, the Gulf States, and the War: A
     Changing Relationship, 1980-1986 and Beyond. London:
     Ithaca Press, 1986.

Olson, William J. "Iraqi Policy and the Impact of the Iran-Iraq
     War." Pages 165-202 in Robert O. Freedman (ed.), The
     Middle East After the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon.
     Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1986.

Penrose, Edith, and E.F. Penrose. Iraq: International
     Relations and National Development. Boulder, Colorado:
     Westview Press, 1978.

Petrossian, Vahe. "The Gulf War," World Today [London],
     36, No. 11, November 1980, 415-17.

Quester, George H. "Nuclear Weapons and Israel," Middle East
     Journal, 37, No. 4, Autumn 1983, 547-64.

Ramazani, R.K. Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in
     the Middle East. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
     Press, 1986.

Ramberg, Bennett. "Attacks on Nuclear Reactors: The Implications
     of Israel's Strike on Osiraq," Political Science
     Quarterly, 97, No. 4, Winter 1982-83, 653-69.

Renfrew, Nita M. "Who Started The War?" Foreign Policy,
     No. 66, Spring 1987, 98-108.

Sciolino, Elaine. "The Big Brother: Iraq Under Saddam Hussein,"
     New York Times Magazine, February 3, 1985, 16.

Sluglett, Peter. "The Kurds." Pages 177-202 in Committee Against
     Repression and for Democratic Rights in Iraq (CARDRI),
     (ed.), Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or Reaction?
     London: Zed Books, 1986.

Snyder, Jed C. "The Road to Osiraq: Baghdad's Quest for the
     Bomb," Middle East Journal, 37, No. 4, Autumn 1983,

Sterner, Michael. "The Iran-Iraq War," Foreign Affairs,
     63, No. 1, Fall 1984, 128-43.

Tahir-Kheli, Shirin, and Shaheen Ayubi (eds.) The Iran-Iraq
     War: New Weapons, Old Conflicts. New York: Praeger,

Tarbush, Mohammad A. The Role of the Military in Politics: A
     Case Study of Iraq to 1941. London: Kegan Paul
     International, 1982.

United States. Department of Defense. Soviet Military
     Power. Washington: 1987.

Vandenbroucke, Lucien S. "The Israeli Strike Against Osiraq: The
     Dynamics of Fear and Proliferation in the Middle East,"
     Air University Review, 35, No. 5, September-October
     1984, 35-47.

Vanly, I.C. "Kurdistan in Iraq." Pages 192-203 in Gerard Chaliand
     (ed.), People Without a Country: The Kurds and
     Kurdistan. London: Zed Books, 1980.

Viorst, Milton. "Iraq At War," Foreign Affairs, 65, No.
     2, Winter 1986-87, 349-65.

------. "A Reporter at Large: The View from the Mustansiriyah,"
     New Yorker, Pt. 1, October 12, 1987, 92-114.

------. "A Reporter at Large: The View from the Mustansiriyah,"
     New Yorker, Pt. 2, October 19, 1987, 76-96.

World Armaments and Disarmament: SIPRI Yearbook, 1987.
     New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Yodfat, Aryeh Y. The Soviet Union and the Arabian Peninsula:
     Soviet Policy Towards the Persian Gulf and Arabia. New
     York: St. Martin's Press, 1983.

Zaher, U. "Political Developments in Iraq, 1963-1980." Pages 30-
     53 in Committee Against Repression and for Democratic Right
     in Iraq (CARDRI), (ed.), Saddam's Iraq: Revolution or
     Reaction? London: Zed Books, 1986.
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Source: U.S. Library of Congress