Japan Table of Contents
The authors of the 1992 edition wish to acknowledge their use and adaptation of information from various chapters in the 1983 edition of Japan: A Country Study, edited by Frederica M. Bunge. The authors are also indebted to a number of individuals and organizations who gave their time and special knowledge of Japanese affairs to provide research data and perspective. Among those who gave generous and timely help were Warren M. Tsuneishi, chief of the Asian Division, Library of Congress, who commented on the completed manuscript. Also instrumental in providing timely and useful data were Shojo Honda and other staff members of the Japanese Section of the Asian Division. Others who provided insight and research materials to the authors were Haruyuki Furukawa of the Japanese National Diet staff and Colonel Isao Mukunoki of the Japanese Embassy in Washington. Yoriyoshi Naito of the Asahi Shimbun and Rikuo Sato of the Mainichi Newspapers, both in Washington, were extremely helpful in providing photographs for use in the book. Various members of the staff of the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress assisted in the preparation of the book. David P. Cabitto prepared the artwork for the cover illustration and coordinated the production of all the graphics. Tim Merrill reviewed the maps and geographical references in the book. Alberta J. King provided research and word-processing assistance for sections of the book and contributed to the final proofreading. Janie L. Gilchrist provided word-processing assistance on parts of the book, and Barbara Edgerton and Izella Watson performed final word processing for the completed manuscript. Sandra W. Meditz made helpful suggestions during her review of all parts of the book and coordinated work with Ralph K. Benesch, who oversees the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program for the Department of the Army. Marilyn L. Majeska managed editing and production of the book, with assistance from Andrea T. Merrill and Martha E. Hopkins. Other Library of Congress staff who assisted with the preparation of the book were Ewen Allison and Carol Winfree, both of the Congressional Research Service, who provided research assistance and word-processing support, respectively, for Chapter 7. Malinda B. Neale of the Library of Congress Composing Unit prepared camera-ready copy, under the direction of Peggy F. Pixley. The authors also want to thank other individuals who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript: Marcie D. Rinka of John Carroll University for word-processing support for Chapter 2; Greenhorne and O'Mara for preparation of the map drafts; Reiko I. Seekins and Marti Ittner, who designed the illustrations on the title pages of Chapter 1 and Chapters 2 through 8, respectively; and Wayne Horne for his graphics support. Additionally, special thanks go to Ann H. Covalt edited the manuscript; Catherine Schwartzstein, who performed the final prepublication editorial review; and Joan C. Cook, who prepared the index. The authors also are especially grateful to those individuals and organizations who donated photographs and artwork for the illustrations used in the book, many of which are original work not previously published. They are acknowledged in the illustration captions. Finally, the editors of the 1994 updated electronic version of the book wish to thank Yoko Akiba of the Japanese Section, Asian Division, Library of Congress, who was extremely helpful in providing access to statistical data and other current information. Andrea T. Merrill of the Federal Research Division edited the updated tables and conducted a thorough and expeditious review of the revised edition. ![]()
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