Mauritania Table of Contents
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of Brian Dean Curran and Joann Schrock, who coauthored the earlier edition of Mauritania: A Country Study. Their work provided the organizational outline for the present volume as well as substantial portions of the text. The authors are also grateful to those individuals in various public and private agencies who contributed photographs, research materials, and invaluable time and expertise to the production of this book. The authors wish to thank members of the Federal Research Division staff who contributed directly to the preparation of the text. Thomas Collelo edited drafts, photographs, and maps; Richard F. Nyrop reviewed all drafts and provided guidance; Barbara Auerbach, Sharon Costello, Barbara Dash, and Ruth Nieland edited the manuscript; Andrea T. Merrill performed the final prepublication review; and Shirley Kessel prepared the index. Marilyn L. Majeska managed editorial production. Also involved in preparing the text were Gwendolyn Brown Batts, Barbara Edgerton, and Izella Watson. Diann Johnson of the Library of Congress Composing Unit prepared the camera-ready copy, under the supervision of Peggy Pixley. Lending timely and invaluable graphics support were Thomas Collelo, Carolina E. Forrester, and David P. Cabitto, who reviewed draft maps from which Greenhorn and O'Mara and Harriett R. Blood prepared the final maps. Additional thanks are due also to David P. Cabitto, who designed the cover artwork and the illustrations on the title page of each chapter and who, assisted by Sandra K. Cotugno and Kimberly A. Lord, prepared charts and graphs. The authors also wish to thank several individuals who provided research and operational support. Meridel Jackson was instrumental in adapting software to the authors' word-processing needs. Naomi Greer helped prepare bibliographies and, with Patricia Rigsbee, assisted in research. Finally, the authors thank Madam Turkia Ould Daddah, cultural affairs officer of the Embassy of Mauritania in Washington, D.C., for providing photographs used in the text and for sharing her expertise. ![]()
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