Mongolia Table of Contents
The authors are indebted to a number of individuals, without whose assistance this book would have been much more difficult to make a reality. Dr. Denis Sinor, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Department of Uralic and Altaic Studies, Indiana University, made an extremely useful critique of the entire manuscript, helping the authors and the editors to focus their efforts more sharply. Mary F. Weidlich of the U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service provided a great deal of invaluable assistance, translating Mongol-language research materials, making numerous helpful suggestions on many of the topics discussed in the book, and reviewing the completed text. Barbara L. Dash, compiler and editor of The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, assisted with abundant bibliographic citations on Mongolia and Inner Asian affairs as well as with translations of Russian-language materials used in compiling maps. Various staff members of the Library of Congress also contributed to the research and production of the book. David W. Tsai, Exchange and Gift Division, supplied current Mongolian research materials, and Thomas M. Skallerup of the Copyright Office provided insights on Russian-Mongolian history. The authors also wish to express their appreciation to members of the staff of the Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, who contributed to the preparation of the book. Tracy M. Coleman provided research assistance and wordprocessing for early book drafts. Additionally, Irena A. Weiss assisted with Russianlanguage sources used in compiling maps, Carolina E. Forrester reviewed the maps and the geography section for technical details, and Stanley M. Sciora researched the military rank and insignia information. The members of the Graphic Support Unit, David P. Cabitto, Sandra K. Ferrell, and Kimberly A. Lord, prepared the layout and the graphics for the book; Ms. Lord designed the cover and the chapter illustrations. Richard F. Nyrop reviewed most parts of the book and made valuable suggestions throughout its development before his retirement. Sandra W. Meditz, his successor, also made useful contributions to the later stages of the completed manuscript. Martha E. Hopkins, at each critical juncture, managed the editing and book production, as well as editing portions of the text. Barbara Edgerton and Izella Watson performed wordprocessing. The following individuals are gratefully acknowledged as well: Barbara Harrison for editing the body of the book; Carolyn Hinton for final prepublication editorial review; Shirley Kessel for preparing the index; and Malinda B. Neale of the Printing and Processing Section, Library of Congress, for phototypesetting, under the direction of Peggy Pixley. Those who contributed photographs used to illustrate the book are acknowledged in the photo captions. ![]()
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Source: U.S. Library of Congress |