
Portugal Table of Contents
Abshire, David M., and Michael Samuels (eds.). Portuguese
     Africa: A Handbook. New York: Praeger, 1969.

Boxer, Charles R. Four Centuries of Portuguese Expansion: A
     Succinct Survey. Berkeley: University of California
     Press, 1969.

------. Portuguese Society in the Tropics: The Municipal
     Councils of Goa, Bahia, and Luanda, 1510-1800. Madison:
     University of Wisconsin Press, 1965.

Bradford, Sarah. Portugal. New York: Walker, 1973.

Chilcote, Ronald H. Portuguese Africa. Englewood Cliffs,
     New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1967.

Duffy, James. Portuguese Africa. Cambridge: Harvard
     University Press, 1968.

Figueiredo, António de. Portugal: Fifty Years of
     Dictatorship. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1975.

Gallagher, Tom. Portugal: A Twentieth-Century
     Interpretation. Manchester: Manchester University Press,

Isaacman, Allen F. Mozambique: The Africanization of a European
     Institution: The Zambesi Prazos, 1750-1902. Madison:
     University of Wisconsin Press, 1972.

Kay, Hugh. Salazar and Modern Portugal. New York: Hawthorn
     Books, 1970.

Livermore, H.V. A New History of Portugal. Cambridge:
     Cambridge University Press, 1969.

Marques, A.H. de Oliveira. Daily Life in Portugal in the Late
     Middle Ages. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press,

______. History of Portugal. (2 vols.) New York: Columbia
     University Press, 1972.

Nowell, Charles. Portugal. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
     Prentice-Hall, 1973.

Opello, Walter C., Jr. Portugal: From Monarchy to Pluralist
     Democracy. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1991.

Payne, Stanley G. A History of Spain and Portugal. (2
     vols.) Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1973.

Porch, Douglas. The Portuguese Armed Forces and the
     Revolution. London: Croom Helm, 1977.

Raby, Dawn Linda. Fascism and Resistance in Portugal:
     Communists, Liberals, and Military Dissents in the Opposition
     to Salazar, 1941-1974. Manchester: Manchester University
     Press, 1988.

Robinson, Richard Alan Hodgson. Contemporary Portugal: A
     History. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1979.

Stanislawski, Dan. The Individuality of Portugal: A Study of
     Historical-Political Geography. Austin: University of
     Texas Press, 1959.

Wheeler, Douglas L. Republican Portugal: A Political History,
     1910-1926. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1978.

Wiarda, Howard J. Corporatism and Development: The Portuguese
     Experience. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,
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Source: U.S. Library of Congress