Tajikistan Table of Contents
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(Various issues of the following periodicals also were used in the preparation of this chapter: Central Asia Monitor ; Christian Science Monitor ; Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press ; Daily Telegraph ; Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Central Asia ; Financial Times [London]; Guardian [London]; Izvestiya [Moscow]; Jane's Intelligence Review [Coulsdon, United Kingdom]; Literaturnaya gazeta [Moscow]; Los Angeles Times ; Manchester Guardian Weekly [London]; Le Monde [Paris]; Moscow News [Moscow]; New York Times ; Nezavisimaya gazeta [Moscow]; Pravda [Moscow]; RFE/RL Daily Report [Munich]; RFE/RL Research Report [Munich]; Times [London]; Tojikistoni Shuravi [Dushanbe]; Tojikistoni Soveti [Dushanbe]; Transition ; and Washington Post .) ![]()
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