
Chile Table of Contents
Agor, Weston. The Chilean Senate. Austin: University of
     Texas Press, 1971.

Alexander, Robert J. Arturo Alessandri: A Biography. Ann
     Arbor: Published for Latin American Institute, Rutgers
     University, by University Microfilms International, 1977.

------. The Tragedy of Chile. Westport, Connecticut:
     Greenwood Press, 1978.

Angell, Alan. Politics and the Labour Movement in Chile.
     London: Oxford University Press for Royal Institute of
     International Affairs, 1972.

Arriagada, Genaro. Pinochet: The Politics of Power.
     Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1988.

Aylwin, Mariana, Carlos Bascuñán, Sofía Correa, Christián Gazmuri,
     Sol Serrano, and Matías Tagle. Chile en el siglo XX.
     Santiago: Editorial Emisión, 1983.

Barbier, Jacques A. Reform and Politics in Bourbon Chile,
     1755-1796. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1980.

Bauer, Arnold J. Chilean Rural Society from the Spanish
     Conquest to 1930. New York: Cambridge University Press,

Behrman, Jere. Macroeconomic Policy in a Developing Country:
     The Chilean Experience. New York: Elsevier/North-Holland,

Bergquist, Charles. Labor in Latin America: Comparative Essays
     on Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia. Stanford:
     Stanford University Press, 1986.

Blakemore, Harold. British Nitrates and Chilean Politics,
     1886-1896. London: Athlone Press, 1974.

Bonilla, Frank, and Myron Glaser. Student Politics in
     Chile. New York: Basic Books, 1970.

Boorstein, Edward. Allende's Chile: An Inside View. New
     York: International, 1977.

Bouvier, Virginia M. Alliance or Compliance: Implications of
     the Chilean Experience for the Catholic Church in Latin
     America. Syracuse: Maxwell School of Citizenship and
     Public Affairs, Syracuse University, 1983.

Bowers, Claude G. Chile Through Embassy Windows,
     1939-1953. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958.

Branch, Taylor, and Eugene M. Propper. Labyrinth. New
     York: Viking Press, 1982.

Burnett, Ben G. Political Groups in Chile: The Dialogue Between
     Order and Change. Austin: University of Texas Press,

Burr, Robert N. By Reason or Force: Chile and the Balancing of
     Power in South America, 1830-1905. Berkeley: University
     of California Press, 1965.

Campero, Guillermo. Los gremios empresariales en el período
     1970-1983: Comportamiento sociopolítico y orientaciones
     ideológicas. Santiago: Instituto Latinoamericano de
     Estudios Transnacionales, 1984.

Campero, Guillermo, and José A. Valenzuela. El movimiento
     sindical en el régimen militar chileno, 1973-1981.
     Santiago: Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios
     Transnacionales, 1984.

Campos Harriet, Fernando. Historia constitucional de Chile: Las
     instituciones políticas y sociales. (6th ed.) Santiago:
     Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 1983.

Carriere, Jean. Landowners and Politics in Chile: A Study of
     the Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura, 1932-1970.
     Amsterdam: Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns-
     Amerika, 1981.

Cavallo, Ascanio, Manuel Salazar, and Oscar Sepúlveda. La
     historia oculta del régimen militar. Santiago: Ediciones
     La Época, 1988.

Caviedes, César N. Elections in Chile: The Road Toward
     Redemocratization. Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1991.

------. The Politics of Chile: A Sociogeographical
     Assessment. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1979.

Chavkin, Samuel. Storm over Chile: The Junta under Siege.
     Westport, Connecticut: Hill, 1985.

Cleaves, Peter. Bureaucratic Politics and Administration in
     Chile. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975.

Clissold, Stephen. Bernardo O'Higgins and the Independence of
     Chile. New York: Praeger, 1969.

Collier, Simon. Ideas and Politics of Chilean
     Independence. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967.

Constable, Pamela, and Arturo Valenzuela. A Nation of Enemies:
     Chile under Pinochet. New York: Norton, 1991.

Davis, Nathaniel. The Last Two Years of Salvador Allende.
     Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985.

Dennis, William Jefferson. Tacna and Arica: An Account of the
     Chile-Peru Boundary Dispute and of the Arbitration by the
     United States. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1931.

de Ramón, Armando, and José Manuel Larraín. Orígenes de la vida
     económica chilena, 1659-1808. Santiago: Centro de
     Estudios Públicos, 1982.

de Shazo, Peter. Urban Workers and Labor Unions in Chile,
     1902-1927. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1983.

de Vylder, Stefan. Allende's Chile: The Political Economy of
     the Rise and Fall of the Unidad Popular. Cambridge:
     Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Dinges, John, and Saul Landau. Assassination on Embassy
     Row. New York: Pantheon, 1980.

Drake, Paul W. The Money Doctor in the Andes: The Kemmerer
     Missions, 1923-1933. Durham: Duke University Press, 1989.

------. Socialism and Populism in Chile, 1932-52. Urbana:
     University of Illinois Press, 1978.

Drake, Paul W. "Allende, Salvador." Pages 18-20 in Joel Krieger
     (ed.), The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World,
     New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993.

Drake, Paul W., and Iván Jaksic. The Struggle for Democracy in
     Chile, 1982-1990. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,

Edwards, Sebastian, and Alejandra Cox Edwards. Monetarism and
     Liberalization: The Chilean Experiment. Cambridge:
     Ballinger, 1987.

Edwards Vives, Alberto. La fronda aristocrática. Santiago:
     Editorial del Pacífico, 1928.

Ellsworth, P.T. Chile: An Economy in Transition. New York:
     Macmillan, 1945.

Espinosa, Juan G., and Andrew S. Zimbalist. Economic Democracy:
     Workers' Participation in Chilean Industry, 1970-73. New
     York: Academic Press, 1978.

Evans, Henry Clay. Chile and Its Relations with the United
     States. Durham: Duke University Press, 1927.

Falcoff, Mark. Modern Chile, 1970-89: A Critical History.
     New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Books, 1989.

Faron, Louis C. The Mapuche Indians of Chile. New York:
     Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968.

Farrell, Joseph P. The National Unified School in Allende's
     Chile. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,

Faúndez, Julio. Marxism and Democracy in Chile: From 1932 to
     the Fall of Allende. New Haven: Yale University Press,

Fermandois, Joaquín. Chile y el mundo, 1970-1973: La política
     exterior del gobierno de la Unidad Popular y el sistema
     internacional. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Católica
     de Chile, 1985.

Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo. Políticas económicas en Chile,
     1952-1970. Santiago: Ediciones Nueva Universidad, 1973.

Fischer, Kathleen. Political Ideology and Educational Reform in
     Chile, 1964-1976. Los Angeles: Latin American Center,
     University of California at Los Angeles, 1979.

Fleet, Michael. The Rise and Fall of Chilean Christian
     Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.

Foxley Riesco, Alejandro. Latin American Experiments in
     Neoconservative Economics. Berkeley: University of
     California Press, 1983.

Francis, Michael J. The Limits of Hegemony: United States
     Relations with Argentina and Chile During World War II.
     Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1977.

Furci, Carmelo. The Chilean Communist Party and the Road to
     Socialism. London: Zed Books, 1984.

Galdames, Luis. A History of Chile. New York: Russell and
     Russell, 1964.

Garretón, Manuel Antonio. The Chilean Political Process.
     Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Gil, Federico G. The Political System of Chile. Boston:
     Houghton Mifflin, 1966.

Gil, Federico G., Ricardo Lagos, and Henry A. Landsberger.
     Chile at the Turning Point: Lessons of the Socialist
     Years, 1970-1973. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study
     of Human Issues, 1979.

Góngora, Mario. Origen de los inquilinos de Chile central.
     Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1960.

------. Studies in the Colonial History of Spanish
     America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Grayson, George. El Partido Demócrata Cristiano chileno.
     Buenos Aires: Editorial Francisco de Aguirre, 1968.

Halperin, Ernst. Nationalism and Communism in Chile.
     Cambridge: MIT Press, 1965.

Handelman, Howard, and Thomas G. Sanders. Military Government
     and the Movement Toward Democracy in South America.
     Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981.

Hauser, Thomas. The Execution of Charles Horman: An American
     Sacrifice. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1978.

Heise González, Julio. Historia de Chile: El período
     parlamentario, 1861-1925. (2 vols.) Santiago: Editorial
     Universitaria, 1974, 1982.

Herrick, Bruce H. Urban Migration and Economic Development in
     Chile. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1965.

Hojman, David E. Chile after 1973: Elements for the Analysis of
     Military Rule. Liverpool: Centre for Latin American
     Studies, University of Liverpool, 1985.

Jaksic, Iván. Academic Rebels in Chile: The Role of Philosophy
     in Higher Education and Politics. Albany: State
     University of New York Press, 1989.

Jara, Alvaro. Guerra y sociedad en Chile. Santiago:
     Editorial Universitaria, 1971.

Jarvis, Lovell S. Chilean Agriculture under Military Rule: From
     Reform to Reaction, 1973-1980. (Research Series No. 59.)
     Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, University of
     California Press, 1985.

Jobet, Julio César. Ensayo crítico del desarrollo económico-
     social de Chile. Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1955.

Kaufman, Edy. Crisis in Allende's Chile: New Perspectives.
     New York: Praeger, 1988.

Kaufman, Robert R. The Politics of Land Reform in Chile,
     1950-1970: Public Policy, Political Institutions, and Social
     Change. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.

Kinsbruner, Jay. Bernardo O'Higgins. New York: Twayne,

------. Chile: An Historical Interpretation. New York:
     Harper and Row, 1973.

------. Diego Portales: Interpretive Essays on the Man and
     Times. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1967.

Kirsch, Henry W. Industrial Development in a Traditional
     Society: The Conflict of Entrepreneurship and Modernization in
     Chile. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1977.

Korth, Eugene H. Spanish Policy in Colonial Chile: The Struggle
     for Social Justice, 1535-1700. Stanford: Stanford
     University Press, 1968.

Korth, Eugene H., and Della M. Flusche. Forgotten Females:
     Women of African and Indian Descent in Colonial Chile,
     1553-1800. Detroit: B. Ethridge Books, 1983.

Lomnitz, Larissa, and Ana Melnick. Chile's Middle Class: A
     Struggle for Survival in the Face of Neoliberalism.
     Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1991.

Loveman, Brian. Chile: The Legacy of Hispanic Capitalism.
     (2d ed.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.

------. Struggle in the Countryside: Politics and Rural Labor
     in Chile, 1919-1973. Bloomington: Indiana University
     Press, 1976.

McBride, George. Chile: Land and Society. New York:
     Octagon Books, 1936.

McCaa, Robert. Marriage and Fertility in Chile: Demographic
     Turning Points in the Petorca Valley, 1840-1976. Boulder,
     Colorado: Westview Press, 1983.

Mamalakis, Markos J. The Growth and Structure of the Chilean
     Economy: From Independence to Allende. New Haven: Yale
     University Press, 1976.

Mamalakis, Markos J., and Clark W. Reynolds. Essays on the
     Chilean Economy. Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1965.

Mellafe, Rolando. La introducción de la esclavitud negra en
     Chile. Santiago: Editorial Universitaria, 1959.

Monteón, Michael. Chile in the Nitrate Era: The Evolution of
     Economic Dependence, 1880-1930. Madison: University of
     Wisconsin Press, 1982.

Moran, Theodore H. Multinational Corporations and the Politics
     of Dependence: Copper in Chile. Princeton: Princeton
     University Press, 1974.

Moreno, Francisco José. Legitimacy and Stability in Latin
     America: A Study of Chilean Political Culture. New York:
     New York University Press, 1969.

Morris, James O. Elites, Intellectuals, and Consensus: A Study
     of the Social Question and the Industrial Relations System in
     Chile. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1966.

Muñoz, Heraldo. Las relaciones exteriores del gobierno militar
     de Chile. Santiago: PROSPEL-Centro de Estudios de la
     Realidad Contemporánea, Las Ediciones del Ornitorrinco, 1986.

Muñoz, Heraldo, and Carlos Portales. Elusive Friendship: A
     Survey of U.S.-Chilean Relations. (Latin American and
     Caribbean Center Studies on Latin America and the Caribbean.)
     Boulder, Colorado: Rienner, 1991.

Muñoz, Oscar. Crecimiento industrial de Chile, 1914-1965.
     Santiago: Universidad de Chile, 1968.

Mutchler, David. The Church as a Political Factor in Latin
     America, with Particular Reference to Colombia and Chile.
     New York: Praeger, 1971.

Nunn, Frederick M. Chilean Politics, 1920-1931: The Honorable
     Mission of the Armed Forces. Albuquerque: University of
     New Mexico Press, 1970.

------. The Military in Chilean History: Essays on Civil-
Military Relations, 1810-1973. Albuquerque: University of New
     Mexico Press, 1976.

------. Yesterday's Soldiers: European Military Professionalism
     in South America, 1890-1940. Lincoln: University of
     Nebraska Press, 1983.

O'Brien, Philip, and Jackie Roddick. Chile: The Pinochet
     Decade. London: Latin America Bureau, 1983.

O'Brien, Thomas F. The Nitrate Industry and Chile's Crucial
     Transition, 1870-1891. New York: New York University
     Press, 1982.

Orrego Vicuña, Francisco (ed.). Chile: The Balanced View.
     Santiago: Institute of International Studies, University of
     Chile, 1975.

Petras, James F. Politics and Social Forces in Chilean
     Development. Berkeley: University of California Press,

Petras, James F., and Morris Morley. The United States and
     Chile: Imperialism and the Overthrow of the Allende
     Government. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1975.

Pike, Fredrick B. Chile and the United States, 1880-1962.
     Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1962.

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     1973. Santiago: Editorial Renacimiento, 1982.

Pocock, Hugh R.S. The Conquest of Chile. New York: Stein
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Politzer, Patricia. Fear in Chile: Lives under Pinochet.
     New York: Pantheon Books, 1989.

Pollack, Benny, and Herman Rosenkrantz. Revolutionary Social
     Democracy: The Chilean Socialist Party. London: Pinter,

Ramírez Necochea, Hernán. Balmaceda y la contrarevolución de
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     University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Roxborough, Ian, Philip O'Brien, and Jackie Roddick. Chile: The
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Sater, William F. Chile and the United States: Empires in
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